Saturday, March 1, 2008

Excuses, excuses...

So I guess this just isn't my week! I got pretty much ZERO sleep last night and as I got up for the 50 millionth time I thought, there is NO way I can run tomorrow. Just no way. So I didn't. I gave Aaron the baby sometime in the morning and went back to bed. I knew that I either needed to go with the stroller later or wait for Aaron to get home. But boy was I full of excuses today! I got no sleep, it was too cold to take the baby out (59 degrees?), I have an ingrown toenail (shut up! it hurts!).

Well around 3 when Aaron was on his way home, the guilt set in. I couldn't skip a Saturday run! I promised after my bad week in Utah that I wouldn't slack any more! What would I post about!? So I decided to put my running clothes on before Aaron got home so I would have no choice. Since the baby was asleep and I hate running with full boobs, I decided to pump. So this might be TMI if you aren't a lactating mom but since I know at least one of you is, I couldn't get a let down! That has never happened to me! I pumped and pumped and pumped for like 10 min but I was getting NOTHING. I did not want to run with full boobs and I really felt like this was the last straw, I should just give up and put my sweats back on. But my running hoodie stunk. So now I stunk. If i was going to have to take a shower anyway, I might as well run. I made a deal with myself. Just get out there and do 3 miles. That was the original run for this day, I am the one who changed it to 5 so just get out there and do 3 and you can at least say you did that much. So I FINALLY got some milk out of these udders of mine and headed out the door. I was too lazy to figure out a route and since I recently discovered that our circle around the condos is pretty much exactly .5 miles I just started running circles. At almost 3 miles the dog quit on me. I decided I wasn't quite ready to quit so I ran her home, threw her in the door and told Aaron to take her and I went out and did two more laps. That was my compromise. Four miles. Not what I planned but more than what I had bargained with myself for. It hurt. It did not feel good. My toe hurts. I feel like a big whiner. Can someone please tell me how to make my baby's teeth stop hurting? I need to get some sleep!!
Sorry that this post is a downer! At least I got out there!!

1 comment:

kristen said...

I feel for you lactating moms, and only remember too well. I don't know how you do it!