Saturday, March 15, 2008

Yes, no, maybe so...

An interview to myself about my run today:
Did I actually wake up and go running at 6:30 am on a Saturday morning? Yes
Was I nervous about getting back in the saddle? Absolutely
Did I feel good? Yes
Did I feel terrible? Yes
Did my toe hurt? Not at all
Did the rest of my body hurt? Yes
Did I walk at all? Yes
Did I run approx. 3 miles? Yes
Did I think it was far longer than 3 miles? Yes
Did I enjoy listening to christmas songs or princess songs on my Ipod? NO (note to self, re-sync my shuffle)
Did I feel like my head was detached from my body by the end of my run? Yes

Was I grateful to be back out there running again? FOR SURE!!!!

Do I think I can do this (as in- am I really going to be able to be with you guys at the starting line?) Yes, no, maybe so........................

Did I really take this scary self-portrait post-run? uh...yikes....yes
P.s. Did Julia and I see Kristen running around 10:30am on our way to lunch with Grammy? Yes
Were we proud? Yes!!! You go girl.
(Julia really wanted us to turn around so we could cheer you on. But I thought we'd a)freak you out or embarass you and b)we'd be late to meet with Mom. And you know how well that goes over! ;)


jess said...

wow miq! 3 miles right out of the starting blocks? i'm impressed! i know you will be able to do it - just be a little patient with your body - it will remember...
soooo glad to have you back!!

crystal said...

I happen to LOVE post-run pictures. They prove to yourself that you actually worked your butt off, because look at the sweat and nappy hair!

kristen said...

wow that picture is intense, but not for the reasons you're thinking. There is a glint in your eye that is almost scary with determination. I like it! I can't believe you saw me, too funny. Where was it?

amy said...

I am SO happy to hear that your toe didn't hurt during the run! yeah for you to be able to get back to training. I hope that the toe continues to feel good. Great job with the 3 miles!!

Topher said...

"Miq" said I was welcome to stop by. It's awesome that you all are training for a half mary. It's such a fun distance to race.

Keep it up!

brooke said...

Yay! Good job Mique!

caleb... said...

Good for you!!! And I think you look great post run :) My face would look like a bright red lobster!