Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Gettin' Burned

Sun burned that is. Note to self... if you go running in the sun for an hour and then you go to the beach remember that you've already been in the sun for an hour before you got there! I am
F-R-I-E-D!! I am glad that we have a day off tomorrow!
We got out there kind of late today because, get this, the baby took a TWO hour nap this morning! And I was NOT messing with that. Usually he takes a really short morning nap and falls asleep again as soon as I start running. Today was interesting because since he had taken a 2 hour nap I wasn't sure how he would handle the stroller. Surprisingly he was totally happy and cute and his cute little smiles really helped to pump me up! I had to cover him up when the sun got in his face and he promptly fell asleep again which I guess is fine.
Anyway, even though it was warm there was a nice little breeze and I felt like I kept a good pace. I didn't know how far 4 miles was on the trail so I just rain for 48 minutes. That was probably a little less than 4 miles but we were in a hurry to get back for our beach date.

MY song of the day, a little Gwen Stefani, I don't know what its called but my favorite lyrics: "I'm just an Orange County girl, livin in an extra ordinary world..." it always gets me going, you know me and Gwen, just a couple of girls from the OC!

Oh and Kristin, you almost made me cry! I totally agree that this blog has been SO good for me, I have gotten out there so many days that I would have rather just stayed at home because I didn't want to let down my blogging friends!

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