Tuesday, March 25, 2008


I haven't posted in a few days because I haven't been running. I had pretty bad shin splints last week and was a little scared. I took a few days off (4 to be exact) and did a lot of reading up - stuff I had already read about, but this time it pertained to me so I took it more seriously (kind of like when I skipped over all the c-section chapters with my first pregnancy, only to end up having 4 c-sections). I was pretty bummed and could relate a little with Mique and Carlie. Pretty much, not running sucks. I don't know what caused my sudden problem, but I have some theories. I will list them so you guys can learn from my mistakes. Pay attention now class! (or skip ahead to the last paragraph, and my run from today):

theory 1) Pre-problemo, I didn't run for almost three days (when husband was out of town). Maybe my body was not prepared for returning?

theory 2) I ran too hard, too fast on returning from my brief absence? I don't know, I felt great while running, but maybe problems were forming...One website said the most common reason for shin splints can be summed up in four words: too much too soon.

theory 3) I didn't stretch enough following that run? (I was sitting in my son's karate belt test, doing stretches as he warmed up. I know that wasn't enough).

theory 4) I wasn't hydrated? I know I keep bringing this up, but rereading all the running info I could find, I was reminded again how crucially your body needs water, not only for health but for lubrication - you need that squishy stuff sloshing around so your joints and muscles can function properly, and not tear, separate, etc. Or hurt.

theory 5) I wasn't running carefully/consciously? I loved running with Mique on my fateful Thursday run last week, but looking back, I was kind of pounding along, not paying attention at all to form, etc. Not that I really stress about this usually, but maybe I could have been more careful?

So, thanks for letting me get all that out. I hope you all know that 90% of the reason I blog all this is for my own outlet, and so that I can go back and read it later, sort of the record of my journey to 13.1, and maybe beyond. So thanks for putting up with me.

And better news, I nervously got back out there today. I was determined to go super slow and walk at the slightest feeling of pressure, pain, etc. I ran 3 miles in 40 minutes and really concentrated, I didn't even bring my iPod. I felt a little tight, but not bad enough to have to walk. I stretched really well before and after. I have been drinking water all day like crazy. And I feel good right now, about 1 hour post run. I hope to be back to normal, bolder and wiser, soon!

1 comment:

jess said...

sorry to hear about the shins... miq mentioned to me that you were worried. if there is one thing we've all learned from this it is to listen to our bodies, and when they need a break, they need a break! i am glad things went well today! welcome back.