Monday, March 3, 2008

a little too ambitious for a monday...

usually on mondays i go to the gym because i find it is the best way to ease back into running for the week. this morning i was feeling a little ambitious however (maybe it was the 2, count em, TWO compliments i got yesterday at church about my post pregnancy figure...yay!!) since i haven't run with the stroller in over a week, i thought i'd give it a go again, and since clint's truck is dead again (don't even ask) he took my car and i had to start from home (remember how i am surrounded by hills???) so- off on a 4 mile adventure we went: lots of hills, pants that kept falling off, hot sun making me dehydrate a little to quick, crying baby, lost of hills, headache, a little bit of walking, did i mention lots of hills?? we did manage to survive, and ran 4 miles in about 52 min. the last hill was the big one that goes up to my house, and i walked up that one making it a total of 4.6 miles and 66 minutes.
is it just me, or do you like running for minutes better than for miles?? now i have to run fast to get done quicker! before i could just run at whatever pace i felt like and would get done in the same amount of time. i guess there will be some adjusting to deal with.
this week may get a little tricky since we will be gone on saturday (more on that later) so i may have to figure out where to squeeze in an extra 5 miles.
by the way - i invited a new runner to join us and she may start to post. welcome kasey!
ok, happy monday everyone.