Saturday, March 29, 2008

a much different run...

today was sooo different from any other run i have done up to this point. first off, i didn't go until after 10:00, which meant i got to sleep in and take my time to get out the door. it also meant it was a little warmer than i'd like, but it was worth it for the extra rest.
it was also very different because instead of loading my ipod with the pump-you-up-junk i normally run to, i filled it with my "church music" playlist. i know, sounds weird, but i am in charge of part of the combined yw lesson tomorrow and really haven't had much of a chance to sort things out in my brain. i figured if nothing else, maybe i could clear my head a little and get some inspiration.
the last reason this run was so unique is that since i was so sick the other day and haven't run since tuesday, i went out there without a real specific goal in mind of how far i was going to run. i just figured i would do what i could, listen to my body, and hope for the best. i really was feeling like 5 miles would even be really good for me. i would have settled for that except that as i was leaving i told clint i was just going to try for 6 and see what happened and wanted to make sure that he was ok with me being gone for over an hour. he told me not to worry about it and that he thought i could do 8. of course that got the competitive side out of me, and i decided to try and find a balance between pushing myself and really being conscious of what my body needed (but without making excuses... harder than it sounds!)
i headed out on basically the same course amy and i ran on tuesday (which was just over 6 miles) i took a few more detours to stretch it out a little. most of the way out is uphill and although i felt pretty good, i did stop to walk a few times just to conserve energy. i made the decision to sacrifice time for distance today. the run went by really fast as i tried to plan out my lesson in my head and was surprised at how motivating some of my music was. different kind of motivation, for sure, but very peaceful and constant.
i got to the last hill going up to my house and called clint to check in. (i debated whether or not i should do one more mile at the track) he assured me that things were fine and to just finish. so i did one more mile, and came home feeling really good about what i'd done. slow and steady, slow and steady. really, really slow. it took me 1 hour and 40 min and i ran 7.5 miles.(yeah- that's a 13 min mile, folks.) i couldn't believe it when i mapped it out. part of me was so excited that i did that much even after a rough week, but part of me was so upset that i didn't just run 2 more laps to get the full 8 in. that's ok. better luck next week.
what i love about this course i ran, one of the streets is called "longrun drive." love it! (one of these days i'll have to take a picture of it!)
good job the rest of you girls! i am so proud of all of you!
p.s. still never heard anything about shirt sizes..??? do you guys still want to get shirts??
p.p.s. you will notice a new contributer on the right side- ann. she is the very same ann that i ran with last weekend (you know, the one way faster than me!) and she said she would like to contribute every once in a while too. so, welcome ann!! (sorry i didn't run with you today!)


brooke said...

I am really impressed that after the flu you got out there and did that much! Good job!

amy said...

I say YES!!! to the shirts. I'll take a Medium...i think!?!? :)