Monday, March 17, 2008

So after a long St. Patrick's Day with a few nice surprises (thank you for lunch and the cookies KrisLew), I got my run on around 6:30pm. Right. after. dinner. Make that a green dinner. Note to self- don't run after eating an all green dinner. You might think about green puke for the entire run.
The plan to kick off Team SC didn't happen since Royce (Kristen's hubby) went out of town at the last minute. Bummer. I was really looking forward to some quality running time with her. But I suppose we'll have plenty of quality running time in the next few weeks, huh?
After Drew was up off and on all night long last night I decided the 5:30am time slot was not happening. Post dinner it was. Josh dropped me off at Walgreens (my usual starting point when I go alone) I ran to the park near us- met up with the fam (Josh's family went there for FHE). It was almost 2 miles there. Then I said goodbye and ran the almost 2 miles back. Josh picked me up and we went home.
I must say as much as I love running with Kristen (my first choice of course), I enjoy the night time run too. There were tons of people out. They kind of motivated me. I'm not sure if it's because the path I ran would almost guarantee someone from my ward would see me so I made sure to keep truckin' or what. But I didn't stop. No walking. The break in the middle was nice though. I'm sure that helped a ton.
So until I have KH back, I think that's what I'll be doing. 4 miles round trip- I feel good.
Oh and I started likeacow. If you want to contribute, just let me know. I think we'll officially start posting our food next week. Sound good? And I'm open to suggestions- I got designated to run that one by in no way is it my blog.
P.s. I found a new blog I love called I'll Run for Donuts. Check it out- he's hilarious.

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