Wednesday, January 16, 2008

A few tips, from an amateur

Okay, so one thing that has really amazed me is the lack of pain I have felt through this whole thing. I owe it all to my trainer, who is full of knowledge. Here's what he has taught me.

To avoid sore muscles:
1. Drink LOTS of water.

2. warm up and warm down.

3. After your workout you have a 30-40 minute window to feed your muscles. Eat protein! It helps repair your muscles. It is best if you can drink it (powder in a shake) because it doesn't have to be broken down. This won't bulk you up like people think it just repairs and build muscles.

4. Glutamine. It is a powder that you also put in a shake that helps repair muscles. The guy at the shake shop in my gym told me he takes this after workouts AND right before bed (just in water) because that is when your muscles do the most rebuilding.

To avoid sore joints:

Glucosamine with msm (costco). It takes a while to get into your system but will help those sore knees and ankles.

Hope this helps!

1 comment:

jess said...

thanks for the tips, car. i'll have to remember those! i am the worst at stretching and doing warm-ups and cool downs. i think i just try to take the short-cut, but know i will pay in the end!... i'd better shape up!