Tuesday, January 8, 2008

team erickson- day 2- success!!!

don't you love the smell of success in the morning?
feelin good today. a little sore, but there is something refreshing about those tight muscles. it is a good reminder of the goal and also makes me feel that i am actually doing something productive! yeah for that!
yesterday clint asked me if i had been brainwashed or read some propaganda or something. he can't quite figure out why i am so pumped up about this half-marathon. i assured him that there was no one else to blame - just my own insanity. i keep explaining to him that i am excited to do something i thought i couldn't do. that, my friends, is good for the soul.
so, why do i already feel successful? well first off, i pulled my butt out of bed AGAIN this morning. that's 2 days in a row! today was a little different though because owen didn't wake up until 6:45 which meant the gym was not an option, nor was working out by myself since there wouldn't be enough time before clint had to leave. so, owen fell back asleep and i hopped back in bed glad to snooze for a while longer and run when i felt like getting up. or so i thought. turns out the little mr. did not actually go back to sleep and was all smiles at 7:15 when clint left. boo. no sleeping in. so, i decided that i was up anyways- may as well hit the road.
today's schedule was supposed to just be an easy 30 min walk, but i decided to up the anty a little bit. i thought: "run one song, walk one song" (of the "boy country" since i still haven't changed the shuffle"). however, it ended up being "run the flats and downhills, walk the uphills." our area is really hilly. this could be tougher than i thought.
however, i managed to survive those killer hills (while pushing a stroller) with minimal pain. success #2!
success #3? it has been a while since baby o was in the stroller. he has had 2 colds in the past 2 months that have prevented us from taking walks, so i was hoping he would be up for it. (previously, he tolerated the stroller, but almost always broke out into a crying fit at some point). now that he's a little bigger and totally entertained by his surroundings, he totally dug it today! success!!!
#4 is my favorite. i have managed to convince 4 other crazy people to accept my challenge. a few of them didn't need any convincing, but some did. so - as of now, here's the line-up:
jess: the one who got us into this mess
brookie: the one who has actually done this before
erika: the one who has actually done a FULL MARATHON before (and whose dust we will all eat)
amy: the one who is in way too good of shape to have just had a baby 3 months ago
mique: the one who laughed at the challenge and then bravely ACCEPTED!
so fun!!! i can't wait to hear about the training and to have so many to empathize with the misery of running when you really aren't a runner.
by the way... i have an offer you can't refuse... if you decide to become a half-marathoner, you too could be an author on this blog!! i know that is the motivation to push you over the edge, isn't it? the more the merrier!!
do i sound way too chipper for 10 am? i thought so. weird. i'd better settle down.

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