Thursday, January 24, 2008

ice, ice baby

last night was a bad night.
so bad that i thought i might not make it this morning.
i tossed and turned for hours because of my aching knees. i know, ridiculous. that has never happened before. usually my knees hurt while running or sometimes going up stairs - so this was new. they just ached.
on top of that, even though owen had been sleeping through the night for over a week now, he woke up several times screaming between 2 and 4 this morning. i had to go in and calm him down, he would fall asleep only to wake up screaming a few minutes later. what the heck??!! i'm not sure what that was all about, but together with the knee business, it made getting up this morning rather rough.
but i did get up, and i got all ready to go running with the stroller and figured i could at least give it a go. if i had to, i would walk for 40 min, but i was at least going to try. and as soon as i step outside, it starts pouring.
so, we headed to the gym instead, again. the workout actually went better than i thought, i was able to run most of it (the shoes seem to be good) but did have to walk a bit. i actually considered leaving the house with percocet... but i suppose that's probably not the best solution!
and once again, now as i look out the window it is totally sunny. note to self: if you don't like the weather, wait a minute.

so, here i sit, blogging away, ice on the knees, grateful that tomorrow is a rest day, and scared to death of 50 min on saturday. anyone else?

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