Thursday, January 31, 2008

i love today

i was totally not feeling it this morning. did not want to get out of bed. definitely did not want to go running.
so, i made a deal with myself (am i the only one who does this?)
i could sleep in and hit the treadmill instead of the road if and only if i gave it everything i had for the full 45 min. good deal.
so, after putting owey back down around 7:30, i crawled back under my down comforter and slept for another 2 hours until he woke up again. fed him, got dressed, and hit the gym.
i am convinced that the first song i listen to on my run totally sets the pace for the whole run. today it was "lose yourself" by eminem (clean version, of course). i know. i am such a gangsta. but it got me all fired up.

i set my pace to run at what normally feels way too fast. and i ran, and ran, and ran for 30 min at that pace. (our gym has an automatic 30 min time limit on the machines so as not to induce "hogging"). at that point i really had to poo (too much information? and by the way - i may bring this up again, but are there porta potties at the race? if not, i could be in trouble) so i asked the lady on the stair-stepper if she could keep an eye on baby o while i ran to the bathroom. once i returned, i knew i had to go 15 more min. but since i took the potty break, i wanted to make up for it - so i upped the pace. and it felt good.
all in all, 45 min run, 4 min walk, 3 min in the bathroom.... 4 miles!!! i was really excited to feel so good about working soo hard. and even now i am still feeling the awesome effects of pushing yourself . yeah for today!

1 comment:

Carlie said...

Way to go Jess, and yes you are a gangsta!
Okay, I am glad you brought this up first because I was wondering the same thing (I think running gives you the runs!) My mother-in-law who has done 1/2s and fulls says they do have porta-potties. Thank goodness!