Saturday, April 19, 2008

8 is GRRREAT! (says tony the tiger)

i decided i needed to do 8 this morning- one more LONG one before the 11 or 12 in a few weeks. really, i had a great run this morning. one of the best.
i was a little nervous because i was hoping to go with amy (goes by so much faster!) but when i talked to her last night at 10:00, they were still at disneyland. crazy kids.
so, it was on my own. i had clint drop me off at cardiff state beach and i ran all the way home. i can't believe i just typed that sentence. i ran home from cardiff. that's insane.
the weather was: perfect. overcast, breezy, yummy.
my legs were: well rested, strong, confident.
my mind was: who knows where, but distracted, and made for less mind games.
the course was: hilly, definite ups, definite downs, but nothing to kill me.
the scenery was: awesome. descending towards torrey pines state beach was breathtaking.
the fuel was: cliffs shot blocks. my new favorite. by far. first time i've noticed a difference with any fuel.
the apparel was: perfect! i hit up road runner this week (they have a clearance outlet at the store here in SD - highly recommend it - i got 2 pairs of shorts and 2 tanks for $50. a steal!)
my time was: 84 min. that's not stopping the clock for stoplights either. a pretty fast run for me.

so, 8 was great. hope it was for you too!

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