Monday, April 21, 2008

back at it

After a 14 hour day at D-Land on Friday and finally crashing into bed at 1:20am I was just too worn-out to get up early for the run on Saturday. We had to be at the temple for a wedding at 10:30am and so I just knew if I was going to be worth anything that day I had to forgo the run. I must say that I am SUPER impressed with what each of you did for the long run. TEN MILES, Brooke!?! You're an animal. Awesome work. I LOVED the pics Kristen & Mique. And jess, I missed being your running buddy....the drop-off and run home method sounds SWEET! We'll have to do that soon.

As for today, I ran 4 miles. I'm a bit confused with what schedule we are all following now but that sounded good (plus that is all my husband was willing to do & he's the one pushing the stroller). Plus, knowing that I will be running 5 miles tomorrow PUSHING the stroller myself I didn't want to push it too much tonight.

Five weeks to go. Let the countdown begin!

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