Thursday, April 10, 2008

father-son bonding.

sound like a strange title for a post about my 5 mile run since i am neither a father nor a son?
well, that's what it was all about tonight. and that's not even counting the father-son bonding going on at my house while i left owey with his daddy (cleaning the garage out with owey in the baby carrier!) i went to the track tonight and while it is usually boring as all get out, tonight i was very entertained. the 5 miles went by way fast because the whole time i got to watch some serious boy-bonding. my favorite was the little mexican boy and his dad. they got to the track about 15 min after me and were there the whole time i was. the boy must have been 10 or so, and his dad timed him on his cell phone as he did 100 yard dashes over and over. and he was fast!! it was really cute to see the dad pump him up and get all excited when he did well. my favorite was his last sprint when dad raced him and the boy totally smoked his dad. so cute. later another father and son also joined us on the track and same scenario - dad timed son running a mile. on the way out i saw another dad and boy playing baseball together. so sweet. so glad it entertained my mind for the duration.
anyhow- i ran 5 miles in about 50 min. that pace is really pretty natural for me. longer distances i have to go a little slower though.
anyhow- enjoy the day off tomorrow. i am planning on 7 miles on saturday before heading up to miq's father-in-law's funeral.
amy- i totally nominate you to redo the schedule if you're up for it. thanks.
by the way - if you didn't see my other blog yesterday, i am finally at my goal weight. yippee!!! all the torture has paid off!!

1 comment:

amy said...

jess, aaron & I were up at the track tonight. that is where we were planning on doing the 5 miles. too bad my quad was giving me sharp pain after one lap & we had to stop. that's when we decided to just go for a walk. wish we could have stayed & run with you and watched the father & son bonding.