Saturday, February 9, 2008

Did I just do that?

Did I seriously just run for OVER an hour? And not pass out? And feel GOOD at the end? And feel like, maybe, just maybe I could KEEP GOING!? YES!! I did! Today was GREAT! I have slept at least 6 or 7 hours the past two nights, more than I have since before Christmas. I think it is making a huge difference, I feel SO much better. I think you just can't work your body like this with no sleep. The two weren't meshing. But on a good night's sleep I headed out the door at 7:30 since I wanted to avoid the heat that is expected today. I took the puppy because I figured if it wasn't hot she could handle it. I have to say the first 20 min or so of a run are always the hardest for me. I have a hard time getting INTO it but once I am, I start feeling like I could just keep going (ok, this doesn't always happen but it did today). And I discovered where all the runners were I was always wondering about when I was running at 9 or 10-- they are up early! ha. There were SO many runners out there it was kind of cool actually. It was nice and cold, a little too cool at first but it felt GOOD. So we went out on the trail, we went farther than I had ever gone before, in fact I kind of lost the trail, we ended up at some park and I didn't really know what to do so we turned around and went the other way and then, get this, I RAN up the BIG hill! Yup, that's right! The one I could barely WALK up a few weeks ago! I felt so good, I finished out the route with a little sprint and ended up going over my 60 min mark. And I couldn't believe it, I didn't like CRASH and feel like I wanted to die, I just sort of walked home thinking, wow I think I could have kept going! I felt SO good!


jess said...

AWESOME JOB BROOKE! isn't it just amazing how our bodies just get more and more used to it? so this is what "getting in shape" means. i think every time i've really tried, i've quit before really noticing a difference! way to go!

Carlie said...

Way to go Brooke! I think sleep makes all the difference! Enjoy the heat. We are up to 40 degrees today...Yeah! The snow might start to melt.