Tuesday, February 12, 2008

something old, something new...

something old (and tired): me
something new: carmel valley middle school track
something borrowed: christina aguilera's angst
something blue: my shoes?!?

decided to try out the track at the middle school across the street this morning. although it did bring back torturous memories of mr. ash and the dreaded jr. high mile, it was kind of nice to be outside in the cool morning air, knowing exactly how far i had gone and how far i had left to go, and with not a single hill in sight (and no stroller!). overall, pretty good... i did however forget to stretch yesterday and boy oh boy was i feeling it this morning. it's amazing what a difference that 10 min makes. once again, christina a. helped me through the feeling-like-i'm-running-in quicksand stage. thanks for being so angry, girl.
looking forward to a day off tomorrow, and a new haircut!

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