Monday, February 25, 2008

monday, sweaty monday...

(sung to the tune of sunday, bloody sunday)

not much to report this morning - except that i am a sweaty mess. yuck. that is always the problem with choosing treadmill over road. oh well. i was feeling lazy this morning (mostly mentally) and didn't want to put the effort into figuring out where i was going to run today, so i went to our gym instead. mondays are slow for me - my muscles seem to be afraid that i am going to push them to the edge like i had 2 days earlier, and sometimes it feels like i'm running in quicksand, or like my feet weigh 50 pounds. anyhow, i managed to keep a pretty good pace and ran 3.8 miles in 45 min.
i forgot to mention in my last post that i tried out bodyglide on saturday. it seemed to work well - no chafing in sight. just a warning though - it stinks like CRAZY! it doesn't smell bad when you put it on, but mixed with sweat and sports bras, it is enough to make you gag. so, beware... and plug your nose!
i'm sure it doesn't stink as much as this though:

sick and wrong, i tell you. sick and wrong.

1 comment:

kristen said...

:) I heard the song in my mind as soon as I read your title! Funny!