Saturday, February 2, 2008

remind me in a few months how much i love this...

ok, so i don't love all of it, but i really do LOVE the way i feel right now. i feel happy and healthy and proud (in a good way) and confident, and like i can do ANYTHING!!! (i know that there will be days that i will not feel like this, but i just have to remember that i will LIVE.)
today was awesome. don't get me wrong, there were moments of un-awesome-ness for sure (like running past really stinky horses on the trail i do my long runs on, or scouting out places to pee just in case, or practically crawling up a hill, or getting lost on a part of the trail i'd never been on ... you get my drift.) however, today for the first time i actually felt it. i had started to believe that runner's high was a myth as i had never ever felt GOOD while running. i had heard from someone (or maybe read) that they never got a runner's high until after 40 min (which sounds like way too long to endure pain to supposedly feel a supposed high of some sort). well, i never got a runner's high after 40 min or even after 45. and before today, i had only ever run 50 min, so i never knew that that was the magic number!! today at exactly 50 min (when i had thought for sure i would want to collapse or beg a bike rider to haul me to my car) i felt it! all of the sudden - just a rush and tingling, and a SMILE!! it really was awesome. i also happened to be listening to what is now my FAVORITE (as of today) running song - "Fighter" (Christina Aguilera) - don't you judge me. seriously, if you don't have that on your ipod, YOU MUST GET IT. it made me feel INVINCIBLE! anyhow- i ended up running the second half of my run way faster than the first, so i had to go past where i parked my car for another few minutes and then turn around again. i really was dreading 60 min today, but it's funny how once you break beyond what you think will kill you you start to realize it's all lies. you really can do just about anything (as carlie wrote about last night.) it's also funny that some days i think 40 min is going to kill me, and today i was totally FINE at 40 min and thought "only 20 more minutes!" anyways- thanks for hangin in there with me girls. i know i could not have done this alone and i am so glad to do this together!!!
by the way - have you found any new muscles?? when i took a shower after my run i couldn't help but notice my ever emerging calf muscles. sweeeet. this is me posing for you....

ha ha!! made you look!!!

min run: 60!!
miles run: 4.5!!


Carlie said...

Well, my calf muscles are quite as toned as yours Jess, but yes, I have noticed by calfs! I have yet to experience the high though. Hope I get it soon! Way to go!

Mique (as in Mickey) said...

Haven't your calves always looked like that?