Thursday, February 7, 2008

Lesson learned

Wow, way to go Jess on the five miler, and at a great pace! Very impressive. Me, not so much. I missed Monday (the infamous toe breaking day) cause I wasn't feeling well and Tuesday I was feeling worse. Wednesday I sure paid for my two (actually three counting Sunday) days off. I could barely run my usual three mile loop! It didn't help that I also had a minor scooter accident while trying to show my daughter how to do a trick on her scooter and ended up eating pavement in our driveway. (Could there be a Santa Clarita curse?) I skidded up my knee and banged up my shoulder - and made a fool of myself in front of my five year old. Anyhow, this didn't help the running (or the self eseteem). It's amazing though how quickly your body can lose momentum. Saturday Mique and I did just under five (including a big hill at the end) and felt great. What a difference three days can make. Anyway, I ventured out again today and did a little better. I miss my running buddy (today my only friend was a "Lost" pod-cast, actually kind of entertaining, but a distant second to Mique's company!). But, lesson learned. Follow the schedule and try to not miss days - the catch up is not fun. Mique - you better find a pool quick and get swimming!

Oh yeah, I have to add, I finally got some new shoes! I went to the running store and was diagnosed as a slight pronater with a fairly good arch and slightly wide feet. I got some asics with the gel in the front - love it. I also bought a water bottle belt thingy. If I ever build back up to running past that hour mark, I guess I'll start practicing running with it. When do you guys plan on starting to run with your water, food/GU, etc.?


jess said...

i'm sure you'll be back at your speedy pace soon. i know the first few days after a break are rough, but it's amazing how quickly your body will adjust and remember all the hard work you've put in. I'm glad you're feeling better! be careful on that scooter - we wouldn't want any more fatalities around here!
which water belt did you get? i really want one (especially before next saturday's LONG run) but can't decide on which one. I would like to carry water all the time, and GU i think just for the long ones, I don't know! i'm so new to this!!

brooke said...

I have to dig out my water belt. I kind of wanted one of those cool ones that have like five little bottles but I will try to find a pic of the one I have. I take it when I run over an hour but I do remember it took me a while to get it in the right position and feeling just right, not bouncing, etc. As for food/gu I never used it before but my bro did a half and said he had some gu at mile 10 and it made a big difference. They say not to do anything race day that you haven't tried before so maybe I'll start experimenting with some in the near future. My dad has these cool jelly beans that are like gu but jelly beans! Also, I might try mixing part gatorade and part water when we get into the higher miles...