Thursday, February 7, 2008

Foiled by the PUPPY!

ARG! I was feeling EXTRA motivated today even though I ran at the gym last night I thought we'd all (baby, puppy, me) hit the road for a short run today so I could take Friday off before my big run. I know I'm still trying to get back into things after my slacker week but I was feeling pretty good. I ran a decent pace on the treadmill last night, only went 3 miles (don't know how long it took me because I accidentally reset the treadmill and hadn't looked at the time). Anyway, we ran out, decided to walk up a major hill that I don't usually do, started running back and I feel the dog tugging at the leash. This happens sometimes when I give her slack, she gets distracted smelling something or whatever. So I tug and look back to see what she is doing and she is LAYING on the ground. Just laying there like "hey, its hot and I'm tired and I don't want to move any more". I got a little nervous because it WAS pretty hot and she did seem to be panting and I didn't want to overheat her or anything so we walked the rest of the way home (the short way). She does seem pretty tired and went to town on her water when we got home. Maybe she just had an "off" day (don't we all sometimes!?) Oh well, we were out for 57 min total, not sure how much of that was running but we got in some good hills and I did sweat a TON. For being out 3 days in a row, it was decent.

1 comment:

jess said...

little bella...
hey, what counts is that you went out there and gave it your best! rest up tomorrow... it's 60 min saturday! (i know- can't wait, huh?)