Saturday, February 16, 2008

Rock Star

So happy to hear about all of your successes. I also had a fabulous run! I am a snail, but I still felt like a rock star walking into the house after my run. I did 90 minutes!!! I had planned on a minimum of 70, but it's hard to know what route to take so I was throwing in little detours here and there. I was approaching home and was at about 82 minutes, so I thought, why not just go for the 90? I was feeling great, I even ended my run going up the hill on my street and dancing with my arms (to Toxic, by Britney). I seriously felt on top of the world. I'm so proud of myself. I google-earthed my crazy route and I think it was just under six miles. My pace is so slow, seriously like 15 minutes, but I don't care. I will work on increasing my pace during the week, for now I am so happy.

I loved my "fuel belt" (I finally realized it actually has a name). I filled one little bottle with gatorade and one with water and in the little pocket I put chapstick, GU, and kleenex. I started sipping alternating between the two liquids at about 30 minutes, and I did that every ten minutes, just took a few sips. I think this really helped me. I did the GU (strawberry banana, not bad) at 60 minutes. I think that helped too, but the liquids really made a difference.

I think we should all recommend a few songs that give you that extra little boost when running. Jess, you've done this a few times and I love hearing the recommendations. Today my inspirations were "Upside Down" by Diana Ross, and "A Little Less Conversation, a Little More Action" (I don't think that is the actual name) by, of course, Elvis. Those really got me going!

One more item of business: have we heard anything more on the registration?

Happy Sunday - day of rest!

1 comment:

jess said...

90 min???!!! holy moly!!!