Sunday, February 10, 2008

My 2 cents

Wow, so first let me very briefly recap my Saturday run. I had a crazy day (2 birthday parties and lots of shopping with the whole family - Walmart, Sam's Club, Lowe's, a million furniture stores - fun times). So I didn't start my run til around 4pm. Big mistake. Big. Huge. (movie?) I tricked my husband into coming with me (didn't tell him about the 60 minutes) which totally backfired when he was so winded he couldn't talk to me to keep me company and we had to take turns pushing my 3 year old in our stroller (not jogger - regular old non-aero dynamic stroller) up hill against the wind in the snow. Ok, the snow is a lie and he truthfylly pushed it 85% of the time. I'll just sum it up by saying it wasn't the best run ever but I did it and that felt good.

So, Brooke that was a bit of information to process! First of all, I don't know you and you don't know me but you have the experience so I would definitely defer to your wisdom. And I think we all want to do anything possible to avoid injury, from overuse or kicking walls or scooter accidents or what have you. I would be curious to see your old training schedule. I have read quite a bit, in the book we're following and some others. This schedule seemed pretty comparable to me, in fact we are running one day less that other schedules suggested. And there is actually only one 7 mile run midweek, and one six, the rest are all 3,4, or 5. It is a little awkward how she transitions from minutes to miles, like the first "mile" long run is 3, where if you are running 60, 90, 110 minutes the weeks previously you are undoubtedly running more than 3 already. I don't know if maybe it is an ebb and flow kind of training, like increase, then decrease a little, then increase again. Or, maybe the beginning of the training that focuses on minutes allows you to go super slow, include some walking and build up to the remainder of the schedule which for the most part increases each long run by 1 mile per week. Anyway, I'm blabbering but I'm definitely open to looking at something new. I also like all being on the same page, it's nice to hear how everyone else did that day, even when ya'll whipped my tail. I look forward to hearing everyone else's thoughts too...

1 comment:

jess said...

you are hilarious! so sorry saturday was so rocky, but way to con your hubby into it! that's awesome!