Saturday, February 9, 2008

a little detour...

so my run went well this morning... unless you count the totally getting lost part.
i decided to test out the other half of my trail today and all was going fine until i reached a point i had never seen before and a fork in the road with no sign in sight. one way was headed slightly down hill, and the other straight up a huge hill, so, obviously - i opted for the slight downhill. duh.
then i started to notice i was the only one on this trail. at first i was excited about that because it meant i could sing out loud (i don't know why i'm obsessed with that!) but then i realized why i was the only one when the trail came to a dead halt with giant no trespassing signs all over. long story short, i ended up climbing a chain link fence, running up a super steep hill (way bigger than the first one i decided not to run) and somehow making my way up to the actual bike path. still, i was the only runner going up this gradual ascent amongst a whole slew of bikers, but at least i knew i was on a legitimate path.
i guess all the unknowns of this morning's run made it not so boring (as sometimes running for an hour can be) and overall the time went pretty fast. unfortunately i did not feel the same runner's high as i did last weekend, but like brooke i felt like i could definitely keep going.
i have started to walk 1 min between each mile (approximately since there are no mile markers on my trail) on the long runs, and i think i may decide to do this the day of the race. maybe i won't need to by then, but right now i feel like it helps me reset and refocus (and gives me something to look forward to!)
what do you girls think about walking during the race?

min run: 60
miles run: 4.7 (obviously a slower pace today!)
total miles this week: 18.2
grand total miles: 62.9


Carlie said...

Way to go! You are so adventutous! I don't think I would have climbe the fence. Iwould have turned around and got discouraged. You're my hero!

Carlie said...

Oops, can I take that back. my fingers aren't working! Sorry for the misspells.