Monday, February 11, 2008

Now can I make my Monday Post?

Ok, now that I'm feeling MUCH better about the training schedule (I'm glad we had that "talk")! I get to make my Monday post. I slept in (but who can blame me when the baby was sleeping too!?) so I was in a rush to get out the door before it got too hot. But I felt like the running gods were against me today! I go to get ready only to realize that sports bra #2 is in the wash, not the dryer, the wash, soaking wet. Well, I guess I could try to run with one sports bra (big mistake, will not EVER make again, still paying the price). So I was not foiled by the sports bra. Then right as we are about to start I hear it, my kid is making the BIGGEST poop ever. Ok, so out of the stroller, leash off the dog, back upstairs (because I realize there are no more wipes down stairs). Change the diaper, change the OUTFIT, back downstairs and FINALLY we made it out the door. But it is late. And it is HOT. And my boobs are bouncing WAY too much. And they hurt. But I ran. And I ran. And I ran some more. Aside from the boobs I felt pretty good... 46 min. And we even made it half way up the big hill-- running! Very proud. As for the 7 pounds that I had lost the week before, don't worry that I gained back a pound this past week. I'm sure it had nothing to do with the cookie dough, brownies and pizza I ate this weekend. Shoot. So Monday, not too bad!

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