Saturday, February 9, 2008

Good Run!

Today was a good run. I went to the gym at 7. I love the gym rather than my basement. I like running with other people around. I get a sense of accomplishment and it helps the time pass. I have been really nervous about next Saturday's run so today I wanted to go farther than 60 just to see if I could. I ran 70 minutes. I felt like I could keep going, maybe a little more but I have to hurry to set up our Primary activity. I am so tired though now! It really wore me out. I feel like I can do 90 minutes though next week. I haven't been stopping at all when I run. Doesn't it make you feel like you are starting all over once you start again? The first 10 minutes are the very hardest for me and when I stop and walk and then start again I feel like I have to get through those 10 minutes again.

I tried to go faster today but got side cramps! What's up! I hadn't even drinken any water by the time I got them. Any suggestions? I really need to start increasin my speed but side cramps don't really help. I ran 70 minutes and 5.6 miles.

I really want to add up my totals like you Jess, so maybe tomorrow I can figure that out!

1 comment:

brooke said...

Carlie, I'm like you, when I stop its REALLY hard for me to get my pace back up. I don't start to feel good for about 20-30 min so I hate to break that!
Good job today!!