Tuesday, February 19, 2008

so sad.

i just got off the phone with carlie and am sooo sad that she is hurt! i somehow feel responsible for all of these injuries and feel terrible that i am not also hurt! i know the setback sucks, but your determination to make it to the end will bring you there. hang in there car!!
i guess i should feel good then about my run since i don't have a broken toe or stress fractures or shin splints and even my knees don't bother me any more. this morning was a little slow since i had the stroller, but we made it. i ran the "coastal rail trail" which is between the coast highway and the railroad tracks. not my favorite trail (i know now), but it was alright. the best part was passing an old man on the way out and the way back - on the way back he started shouting at me from like 20 feet away which i of course could not hear (headphones) and when i took them out to hear him he said "you been running all this time?? i passed you 40 min ago! look at you go! you go!" that was enough to push me through the last few minutes with a smile.
we went 3.6 miles in 48 min (took a little longer because of stoplights along the way).


Mique (as in Mickey) said...

Carlie, Carlie, Carlie..........my heart totally breaks for you. I completely understand. Jess told me (before I read your post) and I was so sad for you. But don't count yourself out yet. It's just kind of a weird feeling to be training so hard for something and then all the sudden not be able to anymore. You can't. And it kills you. Weird. Maybe it's because someone told me I couldn't do something. Not sure. But just get rest, do what you're supposed to in the mean time and we'll see you at the starting line in May. I'm so sorry!!!! My friend Crystal on the sidebar (she lives kinda by you actually) did the same thing- stress fractures on her shins. You should comment on her blog that I sent you there. Ask her for some advice- she's super friendly and has good advice.
Hang in there.

Mique (as in Mickey) said...

oops..........this was meant to be on Carlie's post. Duh.

Mique (as in Mickey) said...

P.s. Way to go Lup.