Tuesday, February 5, 2008

in loving memory of mique's toe...

may it rest in peace.
don't walk on it miq - just let your kids run rampant for the next 4-6 weeks. you've got some healing to do!
i was really bummed last night about big sis's injury and felt somewhat responsible for her sadness since i dragged her into this running nonsense (although- she didn't actually hurt herself while running... definitely ironic.) i was starting to feel a bit alone (where are all of you girls???) and started doubting whether or not i was really up for this. i mean, if i had to do this alone, would i?
the answer is YES.
don't get me wrong. i want more than anything to cross the finish line with you 6 little lovelies, but if i had to, i would do it by myself.
and that is what got me on the treadmill this morning.
no more excuses. this is for ME dang it! i want the sense of accomplishment, and i want the rock hard abs, and i want to say i did something i thought i couldn't, and i want the runners high, and i want the self confidence, and i want the thrill of 13.1 miles in a row.
so there you have it. 4.5 miles, 50min, can't say i loved it, but alas, forward march.

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