Saturday, February 23, 2008

welcome to the club!

is it just me, or do you also feel like you have just joined some elite club of sorts?
not just anyone can get into this club. it is not for wimps or wusses or whiners. it is not for cry babies, fair-weather fans or pessimists. it is not even for people who have great intentions but just can't seem to follow through.
yes, the admission price is steep. it will cost you valuable time and effort, lots of sweat, maybe some blood and definitely some tears. it will require doing things you think are crazy, impossible, and maybe just not worth it. it would be much easier to sleep in, to make excuses, and to act like you think members of the club are out of their minds (but secretly you'd envy them.)
you may even get excited about things you had never even heard of (gu, pr's, waterbelts, etc.) and you run the risk of driving people who are outside of the club crazy with your obsessions. they just don't get it. you may chafe in places you didn't know it was possible to chafe, you may swear off cotton for life, and at some point, you may even have to pee on the side of the road (hopefully not in your pants) . you will get pumped up by music that you normally would NOT listen to, and you most likely will plan your entire life's schedule around club activities.
BUT, as a member of this club you will also go farther, work harder, get stronger, run faster. you will find muscles you never knew you had. you will find strength (and not just physical strength) that you did not know was in you. you will find peace in pushing yourself beyond your limits time and time again. THAT is powerful. every week you will do more than you ever thought possible. and the next week, you will go farther still. you will gain confidence with each step you take, and you will walk taller (in spite of the sore muscles) and smile wider.
caution: you will get addicted. you never thought you could, but all of the sudden, YOU ARE A RUNNER.

my run went sooo well today. i loved it. can you tell?
94 min, 7 miles. (about a 13 min mile)

i tried out my new waterbelt (love it) and fruit punch beans (i think they worked)
the last mile and a half was all up hill ("survivor" by destiny's child got me through the last 5 min)
so glad we are in this together!!!
you girls are AWESOME!

red tongue from red gatorade and red beans... go cougars!

are you looking at my bum? cool fanny pack...

can you believe it? an hour and 34 min! a-mazing!

1 comment:

Mique (as in Mickey) said...

Well written. And I'm super duper proud of you.