Saturday, February 23, 2008

Farting and Running...

Can be dangerous. No, don't worry I didn't poop my pants but I sure felt like I might! I felt like as SOON as I hit the road I had to pee and then about 1/4 of the way through I really had to poop too. I seriously debated stopping at a store or gas station but I just felt too dumb. That was one nice thing about when I ran when I lived in San Diego. I ran by the beach and there were always plenty of porta potties, I used one every time. Anyway, I decided about 1/2 way though that it might just be gas. But I knew that I was risking pooping my pants if I let it out. Thankfully, I was able to let it out, feel much better and not poop! I know, sad the things that bring me joy.

I got up at 6 am, ate my oatmeal, back to bed until 6:45, fed the baby and got out the door. It was pretty cold, but at least it wasn't raining! It was a beautiful day. I made a running playlist on my ipod so it was great to have all upbeat songs keeping me motivated.

I ran the same route I did last time but I kept going past the spot where I turned around last week. I went up a pretty steep hill and then since I still had time started going down what is probably the biggest hill in our whole city. As I ran down, down, I kept looking at my watch knowing that every stride down was one I'd have to make back up in a few minutes. About half way down the hill, right before it got SUPER steep, I chickened out and turned in to a neighborhood to finish out my half way point. I did stop for a minute at the half way point (and stopped my timer too!) to take off my jacket and readjust the ipod and everything. I felt GREAT on the way back, made it up the hill I had just run down and then knew I had either downhill or flat almost all the way home. I tried to keep up the pace but don't think I went too far. I guess I'll have to google map it or drive it later to see. I did get to the same point that I turned around last week a few minutes earlier, but that might have had to do with not hitting any stop lights on the way up. I was shocked when I got back at how good I felt, I know I could have kept going and that gave me a lot of confidence that I CAN DO THIS!!

Now that we go back down in miles I need to focus on getting faster as we build our way up again. Here's to a successful Saturday! (and sorry no picture but the self portrait would have looked pretty much the same)


kristen said...

I was laughing so hard when I read this. I had to go to the bathroom 3 times before I would leave the house this morning to make sure I was "ready." I think we've all had that "oh no" feeling. Part of the experience I guess :)

jess said...

seriously - poo causes a BIG problem. this morning i was ready to go running by like 6:30, but waited around trying to poop for like an hour. too much information? too bad. finally i gave up and seriously prayed that i wouldn't poop my pants. i made it... this time.