Thursday, February 28, 2008

that explains it...

so, i've been wondering why the lack of motivation, the total exhaustion, the nausea, the unexplained crying the extra 2 lbs this week... and my first fear was that i was pregnant. i know, wouldn't that be a riot. but it's worse... that pesky little monthly visitor that i have not missed one bit for the last 13 months has finally returned to me. seriously, why do i have to be a woman?!?!? i was sooo hoping that breastfeeding would get me out of this monthly torment, but no. not me. boo! enough over-dramatic whining for one post?
tuesday i didn't get to my run until 9:00 pm. it took everything out of me to actually get to the gym rather than plop down on the couch (exhausted from being in charge of an all girls activity) to watch american idol. but i knew i couldn't break the habits i'd started, so off i went. and it was actually kind of fun to watch cute little david archuleta (mormon, by the way) sing his cute little guts out while i ran. what was not so cute, however, was the side cramp i had the whole time (probably from the 4 peanut butter cookies i ate at mutual - don't you judge me.)
yesterday was the dreaded day where my womanhood returned. i was not about to do anything physical unless you count lounging around at the beach with baby, puppy, friend, and baby's girlfriend. sweet.
today - the gym again my friends (once again- lazy and unmotivated) and it was a total mental battle the WHOLE time. it's like, if i have an excuse (bloating, cramping, yucky yuck, etc.) i have to do everything to not give in to it. i even thought about walking the last 10 min just because i wanted to, but had to push through it realizing that 10 min was still 10 min whether i was running or walking.
in the end, i only went 3 miles today in 40 min (managed to do 4 miles in 45 on tuesday) and i am just hoping that saturday will be good to me. only 5 miles right? please tell me it will all be ok. (and by the way - what if this happens on race day??!! i think i will die.)


brooke said...

Ahhh, the beautiful return of "womanhood"! It sucks! I returned to womanhood like 2 months after Zach was born! The good news is I haven't since so sometimes you get just a little 'sneak peak' and then your body remembers you are nursing. I really thought you were going to say you were pregnant and I was going to DIE!
As for motivation, don't talk to me. I didn't go today after getting a whopping 3 hours of sleep. Can I just say TEETHING sucks! I WILL get out tomorrow and Saturday 5 miles is going to be cake! Don't worry!

kristen said...

I SO thought you had an "announcement" to make. Whew! I actually have a friend who ran her 3rd, I think, marathon and couldn't figure out why she felt more weak and tired, and then found out she was totally preggers (with her 1st). Can you imagine? So, my condolences, no fun, but it makes advil more legit!