Friday, February 15, 2008

Running for croissants

Yesterday I was up and going super early and busy all day (temple, kid's classroom party, errands, making fancy little dinner & dessert). I even fell asleep on the couch while my hubby did dishes BEFORE we watched Lost - that means I was mega tired. So I had a makeup run today instead. Hubs was off and surfing early so I had to do treadmill - hate it, but glad I have that option. The time actually went pretty quickly as I watched Regis and Kelly and directed the kids, who are off from school today, sorting my dirty laundry mountain (darks! mediums! handwash!). I had to stop a few times for potty breaks (my 3 year old, not me) and kid needs, but the run was good - not a great distance - only about 2.5 - but I kept the pace slower (last time on the treadmill I went too fast and couldn't complete my time). This time I could have continued after 40 min. but stopped to conserve for tomorrow's big day! We then all headed to the donut shop for donuts, and croissants, and my favorite laundry boost - Dr. Pepper. And why aren't I losing weight? So, tomorrow I will also be debuting and testing out my water belt thingy and my GU or beans. Can't wait to hear how we all do on this first real long Saturday run!


jess said...

i keep wondering the same thing about losing weight and then realize "oh wait, i had pizza 3 times this week!" oops!
so we are going 75 min tomorrow right?

kristen said...

you know, I figure I'll do the most I can with a minimum of 75. If I happen to feel like wonderwoman (my favorite childhood superhero by the way) I will continue, but I don't really see that happening. I'm really curious to see if and how the drink and Gu will help.

Carlie said...

Good job, I did a make-up on Friday too!