Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Running with runnaways!

First of all Carlie I am SO sorry! I hope you recover quickly and now I am a little nervous and wondering if I shouldn't slow things down a little. I have had a hint of my old friend plantar fasciitis which scared me a little but it hasn't seemed to bad and I know I can keep it under control with stretching.
Today I was debating debating debating. But I KNEW I wouldn't want to go on Wed. So since it was a cloudy cool day we got out at 11 and things were fine. I was trying to keep up a decent pace, hard to do with the dog and the stroller, but I do feel like I was keeping up ok.
So it would have been a pretty uneventful run if it weren't for my entertainment along the way...

My jogging trail is down in a valley of sorts (hubby calls it a gully, is that a Utah word?) Anyway, all that is down there is a stream, the trail a lot of brush and plants and a middle school with soccer fields and stuff. So it is a pretty secluded area. I rarely see anyone but other runners, bikers and I can see the middle school kids at PE. Well today there was a lady that from far away I assumed was a walker. Then I realized she was with another woman and they seemed to be looking for something. Were they lost? What were they doing? Then I realized one of the women was talking on a walkie talkie. I seriously had NO clue what they were doing and thought maybe they were setting up a course or something (I see the track kids running on the trail sometimes). So I don't think much of it until a few minutes later I run over a bridge and down in the stream I see a kid, about middle school age, standing on the rocks in the stream. He sees me, seems like he's not sure what I'm going to do but I keep running and he just stands on the rock. So I start to piece things together... middle school, walkie talkies, kid in the stream. Hmmm. I wonder if I should turn around and tell the ladies I know where the kid is. But I don't want to break pace. I knew I was close to turning around so I figure I will just let the ladies know on my way back. I run for five ish more minutes and turn around. This is where things get fun. On my way back the kid is on the OTHER side of the stream and another man with a walkie talkie is trying to make his way down to the stream from the trail (through a lot of brush). On the bridge there was one of those janitor golf cart things and a few other people with walkie talkies. So as I run by I say "what's going on? did a kid run away from the middle school!?" and one of the ladies with the walkie talkie rolls her eyes and says "yeah". I don't know why but I seriously thought this was like the funniest thing I had ever seen! This little 8th grader running through the brush, crossing the stream and all of these adults with walkie talkies chasing after him! Then as I keep running down the trail here comes a cop on a motorcycle! Such a big part of me wanted to turn around and watch, other walkers on the trail had already stopped. But I figured they didn't need an audience. I figure they caught the kid eventually.

Anyway, all that fun made the run go by SUPER fast and I wish I had adventures like that on all of my runs!
We ran 46 min

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